About Me

Hey, my name is Fabian! I am a passionate software engineer who likes to think outside the box.

My strengths are the creation of mobile apps, as well as backend solutions. But I have also worked on web and desktop applications.

Through my career in various companies (start-up, agencies, consulting, banks, insurance & medium-sized businesses) I have a great understanding of the different workflows and also typical problem areas of the individual teams.

In my daily work, I will focus at first of all on stable and testable software with a matching architecture. Additionally I bring a good sensitivity for an easy usability for the end users (UX). Improvements of work flows and process automations are also part of my strengths, so that my team and me can focus on the real thing: developing software!



Kotlin, Java, Gradle, Jetpack, Play Store, Play Services, Firebase, Google Pay, AdMob, Android Auto, MapBox, MapLibre, Navigation, Testing, Material Design, User Interface, User Experience, Room, MVP, MVVM


Elixir, PhoenixFramework , Python, Flask, REST, AWS, Debian, DevOp, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MVC, Lambda, GraphQL


Swift, SwiftUI, App Store, Fastlane, MVP, MVVM

Flutter (Hybrid App)

Dart, Material Design, Android, iOS, Web, BLoC

Own projects

Creating and publishing a community & writer tool for authors. The app allows to write books together. Programmed in native frameworks for Android & iOS and Elixir for the backend.

Kotlin, Java, CI/CD, Google Pay, AdMob, Swift, SwiftUI, Clean Architecture, REST, Elixir, PhoenixFramework, Python, Google, Firebase, MySQL

Concepting, creating and publishing a new calendar app for documenting heat cycles of female dogs. The app is based on Flutter & Elixir.

Flutter, Dart, Material Design, CI/CD, AdMob, REST, Elixir, PhoenixFramework, Python, Google, Firebase, MySQL, In-App purchase, Kotlin, Swift, Play Store, App Store

Found and creating an open-source gas price app, based on Flutter & Elixir. I’m the creator & main contributor of this project.

Flutter, Dart, Material Design, CI/CD, Android Auto, Open Source, Github, REST, Elixir, PhoenixFramework, Python, AWS, MySQL

Freelance projects

Bus driver navigation app

2 years
ioki GmbH

Concepting and creating a very new Android navigation application for bus drives. The development based on the state of the art of modern Android development. Including clean architecture, module- based structure, view-model based UI, unit testing, Continuous Integration & Deployment and Material3 design. The navigation is build on Mapbox & MapLibre.

Kotlin, Jetpack, Gradle, Sentry, MapBox, MapLibre, MVVM, Clean Architecture, Testing, Modular, CI/CD, Material3, UX, Retrofit, Dagger, Moshi, Github

Navigation App + Agriculture App

6 months
FLYer Kommunikationsgesellschaft mbH

Consulting & further development of several Android apps of categories navigation and agriculture.

Kotlin, Jetpack, Gradle, Sentry, Android Auto, MapBox, Room

con.tact Community

3 months
con.tact Worldwide Match GmbH

Consulting & further development of an Android community application.

Kotlin, Jetpack, Gradle, Firebase

Whitelabel Insurance Application

6 months

Planning & further development of an Android insurance application.

Kotlin, Jetpack, Gradle, CI/CD, Clean Architecture, REST

Full-Time Employments

Mobile Software Engineer

06/2020 - 09/2021
lyke GmbH, Hanover

HERO - The craftsman software solution

Android, Kotlin, GraphQL, Room, Realm, Scrum

Lead Software Engineer

01/2017 - 05/2020
Smartjobr GmbH, Hanover

Smartjobr - New level of freelance recruiting.

Java, Firebase, Jenkins, REST, Backend, AWS, Python, PostgreSQL, Testing, CI/CD

Software Engineer | IT Consultant

03/2015 - 12/2016
frobese GmbH Informatikservices, Hanover

We are a lean company with a focus on consulting and IT.

Android, Java, iOS, Swift, Elixir

Mobile Application Developer

08/2013 - 02/2015
THIS IS! Digital Media Group GmbH, Hanover

We were a young motivated team and use latest technologies for create new solutions for companies.

Android, Java, REST